Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rob Bottin: Manolith

Rob Bottin is responsible for some of the gnarliest shit that human eyes have had the pleasure of gazing upon.
Only a man of this epic size and with hair of that scale could leave such a masterful legacy in his man-wake.
So take a journey with me, and we'll see how a bright-eyed, bushy-haired 14-year-old on the Cantina set of Star Wars as Stan Winston's apprentice, became the man who made Quato.

At 20 he was making the creature effects for the Thing and causing underwear to be shitted the world over.   Credit may be due to "master" John Carpenter, however this movie is scary because the monsters in it are fucking terrifying, even to this day.  No CG in this bitch, just fake skin and blood and snot, like it should be.  More of Bottin and his technique here

He then designed the titular suit for Paul Verhoeven's masterpiece Robocop. The suit is undeniably one of the coolest things ever designed for film.  It made Peter Weller even cooler than he actually is, and that is quite an accomplishment.  

Paul Verhoeven and Rob Bottin made a walking robot man convincing, which to me, is more impressive than Jesus' resurrection... the actual Jesus.  Verhoovs went on to create some of the finer motion pictures, some weren't so hot, but that new one 'The Black Book' or Schwvartz-book! is quite entertaining.

Total Recall also had Bottin involved with the make-up FX, creating such classics as:

Two Weeks lady

Cohagen these people need air

Quato: Open your miiiiinnnnddddd

Bottin hasn't worked on much since then, and has vanished into the woods like the humble, sasquatch-like hero that he is.  Perhaps he'll return after the VFX renaissance, when nerd's talents will be used for practical purposes and not to make lame-ass CG caca. 
He actually worked on Fight Club makeup FX as well, and gave us a failed attempt at Ed Norton shooting himself in the face, and most notably Bob's beauties...

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