that is most interesting to see. In each of the following cases, the director embraced their misstep and then moved on to make more greatness. I would have included John McTiernan, the guy made Die Hard and Predator, but after Last Action Zero he fell off the trolley completely... his paper wings burned in the hot sun.
Danny Boyle - Sunshine
Although a critical and commercial failure, Sunshine was at least an ambitious endeavor. Hard sci-fi all around here: spaceship crew flying a bomb into our dying sun.
Unfortunately, the story falls apart and things get formulaic once the really sunburnt, disgruntled captain shows up to start causing a fracas. Kind of like Jason X, in the movie Jason X.
Boyle bounced back after with Slumdog Millanaire and 127 Hours, both decent enough pictures that don't hold a candle to his master-work, "The Beach", which should have won the Oscar for Best Use of Moby.
You are absolutely...wrrright!
Darren Aronofsky - The Fountain
He should have never made this movie/grown that beard
The Fountain is a polarizing movie, in that some find it to be pretentious shite, while others, like myself enjoy the effort and find it to be simply"meh".
Bum-to-Bum scene from Requiem.
After Requiem for a Dream, Aronofsky was cursed by the teeming wannabe filmmakers who love to see a fall from grace. His jewiness seemed to get in the way of his brilliance, but the guy has got undeniable talent. The Wrestler and Black Swan have taken my semi to almost fully erect, and I only have high expectations of what he will bring next.
The funny thing is that there have been countless TV shows, trailers, and even other films that recycle the score from both Sunshine and The Fountain. Thinking there is probably "Oh, no need to come up with original music, just re-use the score from that piece-of-shit movie no one saw anyways.."
Well, guess what Hollywood, I'm the dork that knows what you're doing. And I disapprove.
Next time: Ridley Scott and Kathryn Bigelow, both have taken a dip in the poo-poo fountain.